Annotating camera images

The '--annotate' (-a) flag allows data (time/date etc) text annotations to the image. By default, you get black text on a white background

The data is selected by setting it's 'bit'. For example, for time (b2 = 4) and date (b3 = 8) use '-a 12'.

You can add your own text may include date/time placeholders by using '%' character as used by strftime.

Value 	Meaning 	Example Output
b2 (4) 	Time 	20:09:33
b3 (8)	Date 	10/28/15

b4 (16) 	Shutter Settings
b5 (32) 	CAF Settings
b6 (64) 	Gain Settings
b7 (128) 	Lens Settings

b8 (256) 	Motion Settings
b9 (512) 	Frame Number
b10 (1024) 	Switch to white text on black background

-a "ABC %Y-%m-%d %X" 	Show some text 	ABC %Y-%m-%d %X
-a 4 -a "ABC %Y-%m-%d %X" 	Show custom formatted date/time. 	ABC 2015-10-28 20:09:33
-a 8 -a "ABC %Y-%m-%d %X" 	Show custom formatted date/time. 	ABC 2015-10-28 20:09:33

-ae     Set extra annotation parameters

Specifies annotation size, text-colour, background-colour. Colours are in hex YUV format.

Size ranges from 6 to 160, default is 32. Asking for an invalid size should give you the default.

Example 	Explanation
-ae 32,0xff,0x808000 -a "Wibble gibber gibber" 	gives size 32 white text on black background
-ae 10,0x00,0x8080FF -a "Wibble gibber gibber" 	gives size 10 black text on white background

Above information copied from Raspberry Pi camera documentation