#!/bin/bash # go-fbi script (launch last) # (the go-photo (background) script will update 'display.jpg' to point at buffer1 or buffer2 to step the display # and will have already copied the first image into buffer1.jpg and alias linked it to display.jpg) # this script still needs to generate the 3 fbi files and set the display alias for each # (-f means overwrite any existing link of the same name) ln -s -f display.jpg alias-1.jpg ln -s -f display.jpg alias-2.jpg ln -s -f display.jpg alias-3.jpg # launch fbi on a 3 second cycle fbi -T 1 -d /dev/fb0 -a -noverbose -t 3 -cachemem 0 alias-1.jpg alias-2.jpg alias-3.jpg # if we reach here, fbi crashed echo "!!!!!!! fbi crashed !!!!!!'"